Painting was a gift given to Eric Nez at an early age. His parents(an artist and a Yogini, both lovers of life) ensured that he had plenty of tools to express his innermost realms. A devoted artist-mystic, Nez is both a visionary and a cultivator of the soul. Tending the garden of personal transformation… offering to the self: nurturing environments, wholesome nutrients, light, and love in order to grow the fruit of the spirit and share it with the Universe.
Nez places his offerings at the feet of the muses of art spirit. Yoga, plant medicines, alchemy, and spiritual philosophy have all woven into the fabric of his creations. His creative process is deeply influenced by transpersonal psychology and the spiritual sciences, as well as intergalactic experiences. The spirits of the mystics all gather around Eric’s studio to whisper in his ear and guide his hand as he paints.
The art of Eric Nez is both a stepping-stone and a chronicle of his evolution of consciousness. Explorations of distinctly different worlds, powerful life experiences, and teachings from masters… all find a home in the work of Nez. His every painting is offered up to the universal collective as a catalyst for transformation.